1. Why does one material absorb moisture well from the air, while the other does not? What does it depend on? Give examples of such materials, are they used in the construction industry?

In order for the home to be cozy and comfortable, and you and your children can walk around the house barefoot without the risk of catching a cold, you need a warm floor.

In apartment buildings, the reason for cold floors is concrete floors, which are a good heat conductor. But wooden floors, despite the good thermal insulation qualities of wood, need insulation. Let's try to figure out how to insulate the floor, namely, what materials exist for this, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

NO-TILL as a way to manage moisture accumulation in soils

Gary Peterson, Colorado State University
Professor Gary Peterson is not only a person of deep knowledge, but also an open conversationalist, capable of captivating practitioners with original ideas and the simplicity of clear thought. At a conference in Dnepropetrovsk, where Peterson read this report, he instantly grew friends and new acquaintances, he was invited to visit, to farms, and he responded sincerely, because a week of staying on this land was enough for him to fall in love with Ukraine.


Acetate is often used for the lining of jackets, coats and raincoats. It absorbs moisture very poorly and causes irritation on the skin much more often than polyester. Therefore, if you are going to buy a summer jacket that you will wear almost on your head, then pay attention to the lining - acetate is extremely uncomfortable with such a wear.

Acetate also has positive aspects, for example, it almost does not electrify. Or, in other words, it does not create problems when rubbing against other materials. So if you are going to wear a blazer with a shirt or half-over, then the acetate lining will be much more comfortable than the natural lining.

Precipitation and atmospheric evaporation demand

In arid conditions, natural precipitation is the only available source of moisture. Semi-arid regions such as Eastern Europe and Western Asia receive variable and limited rainfall. Therefore, the successful cultivation of crops in non-irrigated soils depends on adequate water storage in the soil to maintain the crop until the next rainfall. Crops in rainfed areas rely solely on water in the soil accumulated between rainfall, and because of unreliable rainfall, water accumulation in the soil is extremely important for cropping crops in rainfed lands.

There are three principles of moisture accumulation:

1) water accumulation - preservation of precipitation in the soil;

2) water retention - the retention of water in the soil for later use by crops;

3) efficient use of water - efficient use of water to obtain an optimal harvest. It is only recently that we have technology that has significantly changed the approach to rainfall management in rainfed areas. When mechanical tillage was the only way to control weeds and prepare the seedbed, managing sediment build-up and retention in the soil was very labor intensive. The cultivated fields were not covered at all and were significantly affected by wind and water erosion. Intensive tillage has many negative effects on the soil itself, including a decrease in the amount of organic matter and damage to the soil structure. Using reduced tillage and no-till allows us to efficiently collect and store water.In most cases, when reduced tillage and no-till systems are well established, they lead to more sustainable crop production in rainfed areas. This article will look at the principles of catching sediment and storing it in the soil.

Water accumulation

Water conservation begins with the accumulation of incidental precipitation (rain or snow). Water accumulation must be maximized within the economic constraints of a given situation. The principles governing soil properties that affect the ability to store moisture are as follows: soil structure, aggregate formation and pore size. We will also look at the interaction of water storage and retention versus evaporation. For example, reducing the time for water to stagnate on the soil surface and move moisture deeper into the soil reduces the potential for evaporation. This is especially important in regions where there is a great potential for evaporation after rainfall in summer.

Visualization of precipitation trapping

We must try to ensure that the water contained in the raindrop immediately falls into the gaps between the soil aggregates and is held there for further use by the crop. First, let's imagine capturing precipitation in terms of a raindrop that hits the surface of the soil and penetrates deep into the ground (Figure 1). Note that the longer the gaps between soil aggregates are open, the less water is obstructed and absorbed faster, thus the accumulation of precipitation will be excellent.

The entry of water into the soil, at first glance, looks like a very simple process, when the incoming water simply displaces the air present in the soil. However, in reality, this is a complex process, since The rate of water infiltration into soil is influenced by many factors, such as soil porosity, soil water content and soil profile permeability. Water retention is a complex phenomenon as the maximum infiltration rate is reached at the onset of precipitation and then rapidly declines as water begins to fill the pore space on the surface.

Soil texture strongly influences the infiltration rate, but soil texture cannot be changed with management. A large number of macropores on the surface (large pores), like those found in coarse soils (sandy loams, etc.), increase the rate of moisture infiltration. Soils with a fine structure (silty loams and heavy clay loams) usually have fewer macropores (small pores), and, therefore, the infiltration rate on such soils is lower compared to soils with a coarse structure.

Soil aggregation also controls the size of soil macropores. Thus, soils with the same structure, but with different degrees of aggregation, can differ significantly in terms of the size of macropores. Fortunately and unfortunately, the degree of soil aggregation can be changed through management methods such as no-till, crop residues, which help to restore aggregation. It is extremely important to remember that finely textured soils, such as silty loams or heavy clay loams, remain well structured so that there are open paths for water to move downward. Remember, any technology that reduces the structural size will reduce the pore size at the surface and therefore limit the penetration of water into the soil. The best thing about this is a structure that can resist change. Weakly structured soils quickly lose their ability to absorb water if the structural aggregates break down and the pores on the soil surface become smaller. This can happen either due to too intensive soil cultivation, or due to natural phenomena, such as rain.

The soil surface itself should be of interest for management, sincethe conditions at the soil surface determine the ability to trap moisture. When working in drought conditions, our goal is to use techniques that result in increased infiltration in a realistic and cost-effective manner within a defined cropping system.


  • Baking soda will make your towels cleaner and whiter; vinegar will help get rid of odors and stains.
  • Experts recommend keeping two sets of towels for each person in the family, plus an extra set for guests. If you alternate between kits purchased at different times, you will have a chance to have at least one decent kit.
  • Place two rubber balls in the drum (old tennis balls will do fine, just make sure they are clean) and towels while drying. This will help to fluff the fibers, which will have a positive effect on the absorbent qualities of the product.
  • Towels should be washed regularly. Once a week is the norm for the average person, once every few days is the best choice for people who are highly susceptible to pollution (e.g. builders, gardeners, cleaners, etc.).
  • White vinegar is an excellent fabric softener. It also works to reduce static electricity on most fabrics and helps soften towels.

Visualizing the effect of a raindrop

What really happens when a drop hits the soil surface? The size of the droplets depends on the strength of the thunderstorm, which, in turn, is predetermined by the climate of a particular geographic region. The diameter of the droplets varies from 0.25 to 6 mm (the average is about 3 mm), and now compare the diameter of the droplet with the diameter of the soil aggregates into which this drop falls, and the soil, in turn, is not covered with anything; the size of soil aggregates is usually less than 1 mm. When a droplet with a diameter of 3 mm, flying at a speed of 750 cm / s, hits an aggregate with a diameter of less than 1 mm, the damage is often very significant. If we put this in relative mass, then this phenomenon is similar to the fact that a car weighing 80 kg crashes into a person weighing 1600 kg, moving at a speed of 27 km / h. Wind-blown rain, which accelerates the droplet speed, leads to greater impact, because a drop accelerated by the wind carries a charge of energy 2.75 times more than rain in calm weather. It is quite obvious that soil aggregates will be destroyed, especially if they are constantly hit by raindrops during thunderstorms of any duration. The energy of raindrops has a negative effect on the structure of the soil surface, literally "exploding" soil aggregates. When the aggregates explode, the remaining small particles clog the macropore space of the soil and the infiltration rate decreases (Fig. 2). Obviously, during a short or mild thunderstorm, the effect of rain drops will be less. No-till provides a solution to this dilemma, because With this technology, plant residues remain on the surface, protecting the soil surface from the effects of rain drops.


Wallpaper is not recommended for bathroom decoration for the following reasons:

What materials can not be used to decorate the bathroom

  • they have a limited lifespan. This is due to the fact that most types are made on the basis of paper, which has a low resistance to moisture. And since there is high humidity in the bathroom, the wallpaper periodically gets wet and after a while begins to peel off the walls;
  • the wallpaper gets dirty quickly. Splashes from soaps, shampoos and other cosmetic liquids get on the walls. They leave dirty stains. Therefore, the walls need to be rinsed frequently. But most types of wallpaper cannot be washed;
  • they are susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • hot steam is always present in the bathroom, which softens the glue, and the wallpaper begins to peel off.

What materials can not be used to decorate the bathroom

However, if you still want to use wallpaper, then it should be borne in mind that such a pleasure will not be cheap.

For these purposes, budget types of wallpaper will not work. Elite designs that suit the bathroom environment may be appropriate. For example, vinyl wallpaper, self-adhesive or washable.

In addition, a special glue is selected that is resistant to mold and mildew.

Recently, fiberglass wallpapers have appeared on the construction market. They practically do not react to moisture.

It should be remembered that the bathroom in which the wallpaper is glued must be equipped with reliable ventilation.

What materials can not be used to decorate the bathroom

Protection of soil aggregates from the influence of rain drops

Water retention can be carried out at an adequate level if we can keep the pores on the soil surface open. Therefore, protecting soil aggregates from rain droplets is the key to maintaining maximum water capture for a given soil situation (Figure 3).

No-till, keeping plant residues on the surface, is a partial answer to how to protect soil aggregates. In Figure 3, you can see how the crop residues absorb the energy of the raindrops so that the soil aggregates remain intact. Thus, water infiltration takes place normally. By controlling weeds with herbicides, we can simply control weeds without mechanical treatment, leaving our soil as protected as possible from the effects of rain energy.

Under no-till, soil cover is maintained all year round because the total soil cover is the sum of the cover from the growing crop itself and the cover from the residues. Obviously, soil cover is very dynamic and can range from 0% to 100% within a single growing season, depending on which crop is currently growing and which tillage technology is being used. During sowing, for example, the soil cover consists only of plant residues. As the crop grows, coverage is already mainly carried out by the foliage of the crop itself. When the cover created by the crop itself takes on the impact of a drop of rain, just like plant debris, water smoothly rolls down to the soil surface with a much lower energy charge, therefore soil aggregates are less susceptible to destruction, the pores on the soil surface remain open, and infiltration is maintained at an appropriate level. As the crop grows, the amount of plant residues decreases, because natural decay occurs due to the activity of microorganisms. When the cover created by the growing crop begins to shrink, residues again become the main soil protection and the cycle ends. Remember that mechanical tillage, during and after crop growth, reduces the amount of plant residues on the surface, and, consequently, the protection of the soil surface.

The benefits of water accumulation due to the cover are most noticeable in regions with summer precipitation; for example, the growing cycles of maize (Zea mays L.) or grain sorghum in the Great Plains of North America occur when 75% of the annual rainfall falls. Conversely, rain-fed regions with little rainfall in winter (the Pacific Northwest in the United States) do not have a well-developed cover when most of the rain falls. However, early formation of crops planted in the fall to obtain at least partial soil cover is recognized as a good soil protection and a way to control water outflow during the winter months.

How to choose an absorbent towel?

When shopping for absorbent towels, you shouldn't always choose the most expensive items, thinking they will work best.Cotton and cotton blends are highly absorbent materials, as are bamboo, microfiber and terry towels. The absorbency of a towel is directly proportional to the length of the fiber.
Sometimes a special wax is applied to the fabric during the process of making the towel, which makes it easier to weave or knit the fibers. Also, sometimes there may be dye residues on the coating, which may remain on the fabric during the production process. When a towel is purchased and used for the first time, it can repel water rather than absorb it. This is because the production coating remained on the fabric. To rid the fabric of this layer, wash the towel in hot water before use. Some new towels may need to be washed twice before use. Make sure to wash the towel separately, especially during the first two washes, to prevent the color from dyeing.

To make the towel more absorbent, do not use fabric softeners when washing. These products with a thin layer of chemicals can make the fabric water repellent.

Other effects of crop residues on water retention

In addition to absorbing droplet energy and protecting soil aggregates from destruction, crop residues physically block the outflow of water, reduce evaporation levels during rain, allowing water to enter the soil profile before outflow begins. General water infiltration is a consequence of how long water will be in contact with the soil (a time of opportunity) before it starts flowing down a slope. Increasing this time component is a key management tool in water storage. The main principle of increasing the "time of opportunity" is to prevent the outflow of water, slow it down, and thus provide the opportunity to stay in contact with the soil for a longer time, and, therefore, to be absorbed. Crop residues on the soil surface increase the “opportunity time” because physically block and slow down the outflow of water. Contour seeding also enhances the benefit of crop residues in slowing down the outflow of water because ridges play the role of mini-terraces.

Duley and Russel (1939) were among the first to recognize the importance of soil protection with crop residues. In one of their experiments, they compared the effect of 4.5 t / ha of stacked straw with an equal amount of embedded straw and uncovered soil on moisture accumulation. Moisture accumulation accounted for 54% of rainfall with stacked straw, compared with 34% when straw was covered and only 20% with uncovered soil. Their experiment did not separate the effects of crop residues into components such as soil protection, evaporation and water blocking, but comments suggest that maintaining porosity and physically blocking water significantly reduced moisture outflow during thunderstorms and were major contributors to increased water accumulation during thunderstorms. season.

Data from the study by Mannering and Mayer (1963) clearly show the protective mechanism of plant residues affecting the infiltration rate in silty loams with a slope of 5%. After four simulations of rain for 48 hours, the soil covered with 2.2 t / ha of crop residues had a final infiltration rate that was not much different from the initial one. The researchers found that the straw absorbed the energy from the droplets and spread it out, preventing the soil surface from crusting and blocking.

Demonstration of the negative impact of machining

Soil aggregation decreases with an increase in the intensity of tillage and / the number of years of cultivation (Fig. 4).Mechanical tillage negatively affects soil aggregates for two main reasons: 1) physical crushing, which leads to a reduction in the size of the aggregates; 2) an increase in the levels of oxidation of organic matter, which occurs due to the destruction of macroaggregates and the subsequent discovery of organic compounds by soil organisms. The distribution of the sizes of aggregates also changes in such a way that microporosity increases due to macroporosity, which leads to a decrease in the rate of infiltration. The degree to which mechanical tillage affects infiltration is governed by a complex interaction of the type of tillage, climate (especially rainfall and temperature) and time, together with soil characteristics such as structure, organic structure and organic matter content. Therefore, long-term cultivation of any soil reduces the resistance of the aggregates to physical destruction, for example, exposure to raindrops and mechanical tillage of any kind. However, both clay minerals in the soil and organic matter stabilize soil aggregates and make them resistant to physical destruction. A decrease in the amount of organic matter reduces the stability of the aggregates, especially if it is already low.

Of these two basic soil properties that regulate the formation of aggregates, mechanical tillage in any form affects the content of organic matter. The degree of practicality of altering the organic matter level will vary depending on the conditions. the level of organic matter is largely determined by two processes: accumulation and decomposition. The first is determined mainly by the amount of organic matter introduced, which is highly dependent on precipitation and irrigation. The second is mainly temperature. The goal of maintaining or increasing organic matter levels is easier to achieve in cool, humid conditions than in hot and dry conditions.

The "freshness" of organic matter compounds is necessary for the stability of the aggregates. In soil ecosystems, newly added or partially decomposed plant residues and their decay products, also known as “young humic substances”, create a more “mobile” array of organic matter. Older or more stable humic substances, which are more resistant to further decay, create a "stable" body of organic matter. It is generally accepted that a mobile body of organic matter regulates the supply of nutrients to the soil, especially nitrogen, while a mobile and stable body affects the physical properties of the soil, such as aggregate formation and structural stability. The formation of a mobile and stable array is a dynamic process that is regulated by several factors, including the type and amount of organic matter applied and its composition.

There has been a lot of interest in determining how soil cultivation affects the structural development and maintenance of soil in relation to organic matter content, especially with the advent of no-till technology. An increase in the intensity of soil cultivation increases the loss of organic matter from the soil and reduces the aggregation of the soil.

Snow accumulation and melt water retention

Many rain-fed lands receive significant annual precipitation in the form of snow. Effective accumulation of snow water has two characteristics: 1) trapping snow itself and 2) trapping melt water. Since snow is often accompanied by wind, the principles of trapping snow are the same as those used to protect soils from wind erosion. Crop debris, windbreaks, strip cultivation and artificial barriers were used to maximize snow trapping.The basic principle of these devices is to create areas where the wind speed from the leeward side and the barrier is reduced, thus trapping snow particles from the other side of the barrier. Repetitive barriers, such as standing stubble, keep the wind above the surface of the crop residues, and therefore the "trapped" snow remains unreachable for subsequent wind movements.

Research by scientists from the Great Plains of the United States showed that standing stubble retained 37% of winter precipitation, and fallow fields without plant residues retained only 9%. The proportion of the field covered with plant residues on the vine obviously influences the collection of snow. Scientists studying the effect of sunflower cut height on snow retention have found a strong correlation between stored moisture in the soil and cut height: the higher the cut, the more snow is captured.

The introduction of no-till technology has made it possible to significantly improve snow catching with the help of plant residues on the vine. Prior to the introduction of no-till, the mechanical treatment required to control weeds resulted in a decrease in the proportion of crop residues and the overall proportion of soil coverage in crop residues, and hence in a decrease in snow capture.

Capturing snowfall remains the simplest part of accumulating the snow moisture resource; capture of melt water is much less predictable and manageable. For example, if the soil freezes before it snows, the water is less likely to be absorbed than when the soil is not frozen. In northern latitudes, soils usually freeze before snow falls. Moreover, the depth of soil freezing depends on the amount of water in the soil in autumn, as well as on the insulating effect of snow, which increases with increasing depth of the snow cover. Dry soils freeze deeper and faster than wet soils, but frozen dry soils reduce water outflow compared to wet soils.

Maintaining infiltration when the soil freezes before snowfall and / or winter rains is difficult. The levels of infiltration of frozen soils are determined by two factors: 1) the structure of the frozen soil, i.e. small granules or large aggregates similar to concrete, 2) the water content of the soil during frost. Soils that are frozen with low moisture content do not interfere with water penetration because the aggregates leave enough room for infiltration. Conversely, soils frozen with a high water content freeze into massive, dense structures (like concrete) and practically do not allow water to penetrate inside. Sudden thaw and rain on such soils can lead to large outflow and erosion. The accumulation of winter precipitation can be maximized using the following principles: 1) trapping snow with plant residues on the vine; 2) maximization of macropores on the surface during those periods when the soil is frozen.

Synthesis of water storage principles

Favorable conditions for infiltration at the very surface of the soil and sufficient time for infiltration are keys to efficient water storage. However, the most important principle is to protect the soil surface from droplet energy. During the winter months in temperate zones, when large leaves have not yet appeared to absorb the energy of the drop and allow water to pass through, vegetation (plant residues) has the function of reducing outflow levels. The coating absorbs droplet energy, protects soil aggregates and increases the size of macropores, which in turn reduces outflow. Moreover, during the growing season of the crop, the water content of the soil in small amounts ensures a good infiltration rate.

Water retention in soil

After the water has been collected, the evaporative property of the air begins to "pull" it out. Therefore, even if no crops are present in the field, the soils lose moisture due to evaporation.In this section, we will demonstrate how no-till affects soil water retention after we have collected enough moisture during rainfall. The protective property of plant residues increases infiltration because they not only protect soil aggregates, but at the same time affect the rate of evaporation, especially during the initial stages of evaporation, after precipitation.

Materials that are not afraid of water

Do not be surprised, but for finishing the bathroom, you can take wallpaper, in combination with panels or tiles, placing them on top. Moisture-resistant fiberglass (marking is highlighted) or vinyl will do.

Note! For pasting, special moisture-resistant primers and antifungal adhesives should be used. For additional protection, joint treatment with a sealant.

Despite all the above recommendations, wallpaper is not among the most durable materials for bathroom decor. A good option would be to purchase a mosaic. It is made of different materials (ceramics, stone, glass, metal), shape and color are also different, which makes it possible to create beautiful decorative inserts. The only drawback is the complexity of styling.

Modern homeowners are increasingly paying attention to artificial stone finishes. Interestingly, certain types of natural stones can also be used. For example, natural marble not only looks gorgeous, durable, but also leaves room for the walls to "breathe". Moreover, mirror and glass plates can be used for decoration. They look interesting if you apply holographic drawings. There is also a material called glass velvet, in the form of multilayer glass coatings with a decorative interlayer. Outwardly - beautiful, but the cost is very high due to the peculiarities of production.

Demonstration of evaporation of water from soil

Evaporation occurs because the air demand for water is always high, even in winter, in relation to the soil's ability to retain water. In other words, the air potential is always negative in relation to the soil potential. Warm air has a greater ability to retain moisture than cold air. Thus, as the temperature rises, the evaporation potential increases. Evaporation is greatest when the soil is moist (high water potential) and the air is dry (i.e. low relative humidity). When the soils dry out at the surface, water rises to the surface to replenish the evaporated water (Figure 5). With constant evaporation, the distance traveled by water increases, which reduces the rate of flow of water to the surface in the form of liquid or vapor, the rate of evaporation decreases, and the soil surface remains dry (Fig. 5). Finally, water only begins to move towards the soil surface in the form of vapor, which results in a very low evaporation rate. Each subsequent precipitation starts the evaporation cycle anew, because the soil surface becomes wet again.

In addition to air temperature, other atmospheric influences such as solar radiation and wind affect evaporation. Solar radiation gives energy to evaporation, and wind speed affects the vapor pressure gradient on the soil-atmosphere horizon. High humidity and low wind speed result in a lower vapor pressure gradient on the soil-atmosphere horizon and thus lower the evaporation rate. As the relative humidity decreases and the wind speed increases, the evaporation potential gradually increases. On a windy day, moist air is constantly replaced by dry air on the soil surface, leading to faster evaporation.

The evaporation of water from the soil goes through three stages. Most of all water is lost at the first stage, and at subsequent stages the level of losses decreases.Evaporation in the first stage depends on environmental conditions (wind speed, temperature, relative humidity and solar energy) and water flow to the surface. Losses are significantly reduced during the second stage, when the amount of water on the soil surface is reduced. During the third stage, when the water moves to the surface in the form of steam, the speed is very low. The greatest potential for reducing evaporation levels lies in the first two stages.

Let's demonstrate how plant residues left on the soil surface affect the evaporation of water from the soil. Obviously, they will reflect solar energy, cooling the soil surface, and also reflect the wind; both of these effects will reduce the initial rate of evaporation of water (Fig. 6).

Plant residues on the soil surface, present in no-till technology, significantly reduce the level of evaporation in the first stage. Any material, such as straw or sawdust, or leaves or plastic sheeting spread over the surface of the soil, will protect the ground from rain energy or reduce evaporation. The orientation of plant residues (on the root, laid mechanically or in the form of a cover) also affects the evaporation rate, because orientation affects aerodynamics and reflectivity, which in turn affects the solar energy balance at the surface. An example of the efficiency of using plant residues is given in the scientific work of Smika (1983). He measured the loss of water from the soil that occurs over a 35-day rainless period. Losses were 23 mm from uncovered soil and 20 mm with plant residues laid, 19 mm with 75% laid residues and 25% standing residues and 15 mm with 50% laid residues and 50% standing residues on the surface.

The amount of residues was 4.6 t / ha and the standing residues were 0.46 m in height.

The reader should remember that plant residues do not stop evaporation, they delay it. If a lot of time passes without precipitation, the soil under plant debris will begin to lose as much water as uncovered soil. The only difference is that uncovered soil will lose water quickly, and plant residues will decrease the rate at which water will leave the soil (Figure 7).

The benefits of slowing evaporation with crop residues in a no-till system can be demonstrated using the data in Figure 7. Suppose it rains on day 0, ie. and uncovered soil (line indicated by diamonds) and soil covered with plant residues (line indicated by squares) are in the same conditions in terms of moisture content. After 3-5 days, very rapid evaporation has occurred on uncovered soil and the surface will be almost air dry. In contrast, soil covered with plant debris has a much lower evaporation rate and does not dry out until 12-14 days after rainfall. Now, let's imagine another rain falls on the seventh day; since uncovered soil is already dry on the seventh day, rain must re-wet the dry soil before moisture retention begins. If it rains very briefly, only the amount of water that has evaporated will be replenished. In contrast, the soil that was covered with plant debris evaporated very slowly, so by the seventh day the soil under the plant debris is still moist (shown in Fig. 6). This means that if it rains on the seventh day, it does not need to wet dry soil (there is none), so the water immediately begins to move deep into the soil, and its accumulation occurs.

Slowing down evaporation with crop residues in no-till systems helps retain moisture because the soil surface dries more slowly.However, if it does not rain for an extended period, soil covered with plant debris will not retain more moisture than uncovered soil.

The reader should understand that even if there is a long time between rains and evaporation dries up the soil, plant residues are beneficial in any case. they will protect the soil from the energy of the raindrops when it rains again.

What if everything is left as it is?

Cracking and gradual collapse of walls

Moisture greatly impairs the condition of the building envelope. When freezing inside the wall material, water is converted into ice, which, when its volume expands, breaks microscopic pores, thereby contributing to the destruction of structures from the inside. With frequent temperature fluctuations with the transition through zero degrees, brick and concrete in the outer walls lose their safety margin, as a result of which the service life of the entire building is reduced.

The appearance of efflorescence (white spots)

The effect of moisture on the walls of the house can be the appearance of efflorescence. This is the name for white spots on brick and concrete surfaces. Salts dissolved in water remain inside the material, over time their amount accumulates, and when a certain concentration is reached, the compounds begin to appear outward in the form of salt spots, efflorescence.

This not only impairs the decorative properties of the building, but also leads to corrosion of the wall material. Salts corrode the cement binder in concrete and corrode metal reinforcement. Inside reinforced concrete structures, the metal completely rusts, turning into a loose mass, as a result of which the structure loses strength and can collapse when a crack forms.

The house is harder to heat

Damp walls and floors in the house lose their thermal insulation characteristics. When the humidity level inside the brick rises by 10%, its thermal conductivity increases by 50%. Accordingly, heat losses increase, much more money is spent on heating housing, and the heating boiler is forced to work at full capacity, as a result of which its service life is reduced.

Bacteria, spores and other health problems

The negative effect of dampness also lies in the fact that all kinds of microorganisms actively multiply in a humid environment - fungus, mold, pathogenic bacteria. When fungus and mold enters the respiratory tract, allergic reactions appear, chronic diseases become aggravated, and immunity decreases.

If mold is found in the premises, then we can say with absolute certainty that there are a huge number of spores in the air that can scatter throughout the house and cause new foci of mold infestation. The impact of mold spores themselves on the human body is extremely negative.

Demonstration of the effect of soil cultivation on moisture evaporation

When the soil is mechanically cultivated, the moist soil opens up to the surface. This means that rapid evaporation begins immediately after processing (Fig. 8). Obviously, if mechanical treatment is used to control weeds, it will waste moisture because constantly exposes wet soil to rapid evaporation on the surface. In contrast, no-till, which uses herbicide-based weed control, does not lead to evaporation because there is no impact on the soil. The soil remains wetter at the surface, and therefore the next rain will not rewet the dry soil, but will penetrate deeper into the soil and accumulate for future use.

Expert opinion

The technologist-chemist of the production of antiseptic and fire-retardant agents Konstantin Nikolaevich Sergeyev is in charge.

In order to protect wood from moisture, it is necessary to use an integrated approach in impregnation and preparation of the effect of resistance of wood to excessive moisture.To start preparing for the impregnation and protection of wood from moisture, the first thing to do is to thoroughly dry the wood before protecting it.

The walls of a wooden log house require high-quality impregnation to protect the wood from moisture externally.

After drying the wood, it should be thoroughly disinfected from the fungus with an impregnation for wood. Neomid 440

or even better - impregnated with Neomid 430. Then the impregnated wood is left to dry for 2-3 days. After this time, the impregnation with Neomid antiseptics is repeated. At this stage, the wood acquires significant resistance to the development of fungus due to the increased moisture - the humidity of the environment. But this impregnation is not enough for real - long-term protection from moisture.

After all this, I recommend without fail to treat the entire surface of the wood with an effective composition - Belinka Baza primer for reliable protection of wood from moisture, and then, to acquire a water-repellent property, cover the wood surface with Belinka Toplazur. We must not forget that the mezhventsovy insulation jute

also requires at least one application of moisture-proof impregnation.

This is my opinion. Only after carrying out all these procedures will the wood acquire stable protection from moisture and water.

Materials for protecting wood from moisture

No matter how impeccable and unsurpassed building material a tree looks at first glance, we note that without means of protection against moisture, the properties of its operation are greatly reduced. Thus, when building a wooden house, it is important to use wood treatment products from moisture, which will allow you to avoid unplanned repairs.

How to choose materials to protect wood from moisture?

Neomid Biocolor Ultra

Photo: a high-quality material that protects wood from moisture is the protective decorative composition Neomid Biocolor Ultra.

Note that in modern sales there are many protective equipment, the use of which is guaranteed to protect your home from premature destruction due to the strong effect of moisture on the microstructure of the tree. But, as always, there are several nuances that do not allow us to buy the first available moisture protection product. Accordingly, in order to exclude the principle of "we treat one thing, we cripple the other", let's figure out what modern moisture protection should be for a tree.

  1. Environmentally friendly and safe. This means that the composition of protective equipment should not contain chemically active substances that can impede the natural circulation of air, affect the natural level of humidity and give off an unpleasant odor that causes nausea and dizziness. To prevent this from happening, you should buy only natural water-based remedies.
  2. Should not lead to compression and expansion of the wood structure. As a rule, the latter occurs due to the inconstancy of the distribution of the climate on the territory of Russia. Variability refers to sudden changes in temperature, as a result of which delamination of the protective surface can occur. To avoid this, polymer protection should be applied.
  3. At the time of purchase, consult with experts, look at several options for protected wood and make sure that a protective film is not formed on the surface of the building material. If there is a film, then such a tool is not worth buying, as you risk getting a real greenhouse effect in the house, dampness and other discomfort.

Based on the above, only 2 means of protection are allocated, which are recommended for use in places of permanent residence of people:

  • The use of polymers. As we have already said, under polymers we mean special molecules, the use of which affects the coefficient of compression and tension of wood. On sale there are: alkyd and acrylic enamels, respectively, based on oils and water.
  • Application of azure. Perfectly emphasizes the texture of the tree, preserves the original pattern and protects well from other external influences. These include: special resins, varnishes, paints containing antifungal elements.

Article author: Sergeev Konstantin Nikolaevich.


The key to effectively capturing water is to have favorable conditions at the soil surface so that water can enter the soil immediately, as well as those (conditions) that allow sufficient time for infiltration. The most important principle for achieving the penetration of water into the soil is to protect the surface from the energy of rain drops. The no-till system provides coverage with growing crops and crop residues. The coating absorbs droplet energy, protects soil aggregates and increases the size of macropores. At the same time, this coating slows down drainage, thereby increasing the accumulation of water in the soil for use by subsequent crops. To maintain the maximum amount of accumulated moisture, evaporation must be minimized. No-till reduces evaporation because With this technology, plant residues remain on the surface, which reduce the temperature of the soil and raise the wind above the soil. The use of water by weeds is a waste of moisture that could be available to cultivated plants. Mechanical tillage usually stops weeds immediately, but exposes moist soil to the atmosphere, resulting in increased evaporation losses. When using a no-till system, weed control is carried out using herbicides, which prevents harmful effects on the soil compared to mechanical tillage, while water accumulates in the soil. This is especially important in countries like Ukraine, where most of the precipitation falls in summer.

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